We identify and replicate the hidden patterns of exceptional performance.


Step 1: Defining the desired results and ROI

We start by helping our clients become really clear about the results they want to achieve, describing what good looks like, and how it can be measured. We then use the description and measures to identify the performance outliers, individuals or teams that typically outperform the average by 25-40%, and in some cases, as much as 400%.

This then defines the ROI. For example, what is the value of passing on 50% or more of the outliers’ performance to the wider organisation? And how much more could the outliers achieve with awareness of the basis of their talent? Together these provide the ROI.

An alternative form of ROI is calculated when scaling an enterprise. In such cases, we help clients define and transfer expertise to new team members, business units and divisions. This avoids dilusion and instead combines the founding qualities of mind with the diversity that comes with an expanding team and organisation.

Step 2: Expert Modelling

Expert Modelling is our unique method for unlocking tacit know-how. Typically, it’s difficult for exceptional performers to describe how they do what they do. If asked, they will often attribute their skill to gut feel, intuition, or experience, yet hidden beneath these words lay critical deeper aspects of how they think, decide and act.

Our Expert Modelling process is centred around our proprietary form of cognitive interviewing with focuses on identifying structures in language, gesture, and affect. The analysis of which, reveals the deeper patterns of expertise.

Expert modelling is a positive inquiry into an individual and organisation at their very best, as a result participants find it a rewarding experience; and unlike the many approaches that start by indentifying problems and their causes, it naturally creates positive engagement and motivation.

Step 3: Culture Co-Creation

Culture Co-Creation builds on the engagement and motivation initiated by expert modelling, and draws on the awareness the outliers now have about the basis of their expert performance.

In the modelling phase we often find outlying performers have established local conditions that support their performance, and have innovated strategies for ‘inoculating’ themselves and their teams against the effects of well intended but limiting organisational systems and practices. Culture Co-Creation brings together these exceptional performers and their insights within a design process that creates precisely targeted interventions.

Interventions that are evidence based, in that they are based on insights that are already proven to work in delivering outstanding results within the organisation. So by definition, are possible, have credibility, and because are home grown, carry buy-in and create pride and positive regard.

Step 4: Performance Development

Performance development describes the detailed design and implementation stage of our projects. This is where we add detail to the interventions defined during the culture-co-creation stage, and expand upon them to create a coherent set of actions that transfer, and then support, patterns of exceptional performance in the wider organisation.

Unlike traditional methods, our methods of performance development are directed at achieving targeted cognitive change that leads to flexible behaviours. Establishing new cognitive patterns, or ways of thinking, can require training, however, significant change can occur by simply changing language and labels within core business processes and communications.

When training is required, by applying our 5 layered learning design methodology, any training can normally be embedded within existing development programs. This combined with ‘nudge’ type actions that are embedded in existing systems and processes, enables us to achieve maximum results, seamlessly and without distraction from other critical organisation initiatives.

Step 5: Transfer of design skills (optional)

Having experienced the efficacy of our performance development approaches, client teams become interested in learning about our methodologies. We are happy to share our development approaches with our clients. A process which starts with an experience of the new science of language and the brain, which we translate into quick and pragmatic changes to professional and personal practice, that realise immediate tangible benefits.