Below you will discover a selection of our projects described by the client questions answered.

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Transformational Strategy


Client Question Answered:
“We specialise in helping companies disrupt their own strategies before more agile competitors do it for them. We have a handful of consultants who can take clients quickly through this journey with high engagement, but it’s a rare talent that we can’t recruit for or replicate. We have tried several times to codify the behaviours and develop them without success. Can you help?”

Innovation and Agility


Client Question Answered:
“We have a 250 year old traditional organisation built around some very strongly held core values, working in heavy industry. How do we retain our values and yet become agile and innovative in everything from our strategy process through to service design and delivery, and how do we bring our clients with us?”

Trusted Advisor

Client Question Answered:
“We have a handful of global account managers who are rated as trusted advisors by our clients. We’ve looked at their behaviours, we’ve created a competency model and we’ve even identified ‘seasoned professionals’ as making the difference but we can’t define or describe that archetype. How do we get people to become seasoned professionals, and fast?”

Safety Leadership

“How do some of our leaders transform safety performance, when all our leaders carry out all of their safety duties? How are some of our leaders inspiring a different safety culture, beyond compliance, in some of the most challenging parts of the world, and how do we enable others to achieve the same impact?”

Market Impacting Insights

“How do we enable our market insights teams to drive transformational business decisions? We are missing some key growth targets and being hurt by some new and agile competitors springing up in local markets. Some parts of our organisation have managed to take advantage of these threats through early and impactful insights, but how are they doing this and how do we get this way of thinking and way of influencing to spread across other categories?”

Enterprise Planning

“To succeed in the VUCA world we need planning to be a much more influential point of synchronization between marketing, manufacturing and supply chain. We have started this transformation, but most of our planners don’t seem to be able to make the transition, why? We need to understand how our top performers are making the leap, and how to help others achieve the same.”